Progress is Progress
Project Vision: The vision for this project is to create a vibrant and pedestrian-friendly neighborhood experience. The proposed Deer Street Associates developments, and the city’s new municipal parking garage, are being developed in collaboration and are symbiotic in nature. Our goal is to create a harmonious Portsmouth experience throughout this new area, for residents and visitors to enjoy.
Another Historic District Commission (HDC) workshop session is behind us, and we are moving ahead with our North End project at Foundry Place.
We received a variety of opinions at our last workshop session in response to the design plans for Buildings 4 and 5 at Foundry Place. Overall, the Commission was very favorable of our design approach for Building 4, and reached a general consensus on this lot proposal. Commission members echoed an overall favorable impression of our most recent work on that structure, noting its innovative design and preservation of details from other historic buildings in Portsmouth. They also noted our success in prioritizing a pedestrian-friendly community, with a variety of destinations to congregate.
Building 5 received some opposing viewpoints on components of the design, such as the corner tower, top floor and ground floor pedestrian interface. The feedback we received in regards to this building tells us that there remains some work to be done on Building 5; we will reevaluate its design with these viewpoints in mind.
As anyone who has followed development in Portsmouth knows, working with the HDC is a process. We are pleased with the positive feedback on Building 4 and will focus on furthering the materials, details and drive-under area for this structure. We will also continue to rework the design of Building 5 components needing improvement, and we look forward to presenting the Commission with details on lighting, windows and revisions to the Building 5 tower and fifth floor façade at the next HDC session.
Progress is progress, and we are optimistically working on updated design solutions. Please continue to watch this space for more updates, and as always, we appreciate your support.
Kim and Ania Rogers