Approval sought for Building #6 in Deer Street Associates project
Tonight, the city of Portsmouth’s Planning Board is hoped to approve a Site Plan Permit for property located at 181 HillStreet (Lot 6) owned by Deer Street Associates.
The hoped-for approval comes after recommendations by the Technical Advisory Committee and input from the community for the 4-story with penthouse, mixed use building that will include residential units, office and retail space, and a two level parking garage. According to JSA Inc.’s Tracy Kozak, one of the principal architects in its design, Lot 6 reflects several key concepts.
“The design of the structure and spaces around it is neighborhood friendly and creates civic spaces that are cohesive with what is already there,” she said. “The building is also energy efficient and sustainably designed.”
She said one example of this “cohesiveness” is how the building on Lot 6 ‘steps down’ on the Hill Street side to meet the neighborhood next to it. Conversely, the side of the building on Foundry place is taller to better connect to the parking garage and commercial buildings in that area.
“Lot 6 connects two neighborhoods,” added Kozak, who said the project features wide sidewalks that are both bike and pedestrian friendly and open green spaces. “It has been very important to incorporate any and all feedback and improve upon a design that initially garnered very positive feedback. We look forward to receiving approval on our Site Plan.”
Lot 6 is part of a project collectively known as Foundry Place, a renovation of a section of the city that once served as an industrial hub. Part of a public-private partnership between the city of Portsmouth and Deer Street Associates in which a section of the city, Foundry Place is expected to be completed in the coming years.
Join us tonight at 7:00 PM in the Eileen Dondero Foley Council Chambers at City Hall to speak in favor of this project designed to help the North End thrive. Stay up to date on the Foundry Place project, click and sign up for our newsletter.
Thank you for helping us create a brilliant North End,
Kim & Ania Rogers